I'm not even gorgeus, wonderful or even normal lovely person. How can I think with my brains? I have heart and multidimensional contact with heaven.

I was born in 27.7.1982 at the famous day, as we sleep over early morning. Ok, where is my dreams, so we have question of secrets. Who am I and what is the point of promises for the world, what should I do before the grave, where mortal souls are gone and at one time again in me. How many lifes do we have just like kitten? Music and art is my tools to make victory for the angels. Angels don't kill and not even music. How can we do bad things, so we support the bad horror against the heaven order of honeymoon.
I started play my first tool guitar at age 14 years old schoolboy. I looked so much musicvideos about of the time professional players and I thought that maybe I wanna be a rockstar. Someday still waiting at saturday 2.12.2023. No, it's a curse straight from hellbound. Limit for imagination and then you too much realize the things, what you can't never understand of oracle versus god battle. What spell do I have, so I mean in music? It's the simple that I feel the rhythm the most important hull. Example moves with guitar in the riff to riff and lead to lead. I started my first band, so I said that I wanna be important soul and pillar, not even star in frontside. Music never ends, even if you do mistake and lost your touch for a while. How can you build your home from up to down? Impossible, cause we have gravitation.
However, after many years I found my passion again back to spring of my wedding with grave. No, immortal you are as people remember your task and promise to be in memories. Then you think about are you the victim and innocent artist future. You don't ever forbid, that you wanna eat the apple of paradice. Eat the apple with stainless metalknife. I'm 41 years old now and still have energy for the worse doom and sentence of my victory fight with Satan. Jesus was smart and as I look my wisdom, so it's not far from the holy bible. My teacher, my master, my heaven also... Hell is living on the earth.